
Scripts to patch and make locally

Scripts to patch and make locally for test.
- applies all patches in a directory.
- makes only USB/IP related objects in their directory.
- allows to test without kernel build and 'make install'.
- scripts in usbip-scripts-app/dev use these objects to test.


1) Apply USB/IP pathces

$ cd <top-of-kernel-tree>
eg. $ cd ~/linux-4.0-rc4-test

$ ~/usbip-scripts-make/patch_all.sh [ patches-dir ]
All pacth files in <patches-dir> will be applied.
Default <patches-dir> is assumed ~/usbip-patches/<kernel-version>.
eg. ~/usbip-patches/4.0-rc4

patch_some.sh applies some patches in in <patches-dir>.
Needs to edit the script to modify patches to be used.

2) Make locally

Only make USB/IP related objects.

$ cd <top-of-kernel-tree>
eg. $ cd ~/linux-4.0-rc4-test

$ ~/usbip-scripts-make/test_make.sh
Makefile of driver will be replaced by Makefile-kx/ux.

3) Cleanup

$ cd <top-of-kernel-tree>
eg. $ cd ~/linux-4.0-rc4-test

$ ~/usbip-scripts-make/test_clean.sh
Original drivers' Makefile is restored.


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